Thursday, November 5, 2009

What is comfort food?

Someone asked me, "What is your favorite comfort food?" and I didn't have an answer. I eat different things for different feelings/issues. Like having a cold/flu I want homemade chicken soup, if I have a full blown cold then I want Mexican or Chinese food so I can taste it. When I was a kid I loved, prime rib, green beans and mashed potatoes. Chocolate chip cookies always make me feel better, maybe that's my comfort food.

Now that I am trying to clean up my diet and eat better, I find more comfort in eating a well balanced meal full of veggies and healthy grains. The bag of Cheetos, while tasting good for a few minutes, really leaves me feeling not so good, physically and mentally. Guilt and gas, not fun.

I am choosing to be very conscientious about what I eat, sometimes that is a drag. Like counting calories, its a pain at first, but after you get used to it, the practice becomes second nature. I have a few friends who are losing weight successfully with this method. I lost weight by cutting out empty calories. I ate a lot of white starchy foods, desserts and snacks. Its a wonder how I was doing Ironman triathlons and not losing weight until it dawned on me that I can't eat whatever I want. I cut out desserts first, increased salads and veggies, then cut portions down and cut out potatoes and pasta. I used to be addicted to carbs, but realized that they weren't good for me. My body wanted protein. Then in the off season I cut out the 4th meal. In training I would eat 4 meals a day.

The thing about comfort food, it shouldn't make you feel bad physically or mentally. If you are in a bind, sick, stressed, traveling or working late, go for the healthy option. Ultimately you will feel better in doing the right thing for your body and mind. Taking care of yourself is the most comforting thing of all.

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